
selected projects from my experience as a performer/actor/devisor

Born Again Crow

role: Tanner Braedon, Jane, Jim, Stephen, Barry

written by Caliegh Crow. presented by Thumbs Up Good Work Theatre. directed by Graham Kent.

Saskatoon and Area Theatre Awards, Nominee Outstanding Emerging Artist - 2019

Saskatoon and Area Theatre Awards, Nominee Outstanding Supporting Performance - 2019

The Listening Room

role: Marcus

by Micheala Jeffrey. presented by Cardiac Theatre. directed by Harley Morison.

“He’s that kind of guy, intense, irresistible and maddening. Geller’s performance leaves all the options open.” -Liz Nicholls, 12th Night Blog

Slight of Mind

role: Icarus/devisor

world premier by Beth Graham. presented by Theatre Yes in collaboration with the Citadel Theatre. directed by Heather Inglis.

“It is one of the play’s most powerful moments as Geller’s monologue lifts us to the heavens and we share Icarus’ brief euphoria.” – St. Albert Gazette Anna Borowiecki


role: devisor/performer

Created and devised for Alyssa Bartlett’s Masters Thesis based on Margaret Atwood’s poem Marrying the Hangman. outside eye Micheal Bradley.

The Orange Girls

role: founding member and devisor/performer

a collective of creatives facilitated by desirée leverenz. work in Nuit Blanche, Nextfest, Found Festival, and independently.

The Darling Family

role: man/producer

by Linda Griffiths. presented at the Edmonton International Fringe Festival. directed in collaboration with Sandy Nicholls, Steve Pirot, Kathleen Weiss, and desirée leverenz.

“Strong performances by Emily Howard and Philip Geller root this almost-family drama by renowned Canadian playwright Linda Griffiths.” -Liane Faulder, Edmonton Journal

Government Inspector

role: Khlestakov

by Nikolai Gogol. presented by Studio Theatre. directed by Ron Jenkins.

God’s Ear: A Play

role: Flight Attendant/GI Joe

by Jenny Schwartz. presented by Studio Theatre. director by Suzie Martin.

Bright Burning

role: Zak

world premier by Colleen Murphy. presented by Studio Theatre. directed by Jan Selman.

“Philip Geller gets (and deserves) big laughs as a deadpan pizza delivery guy with anxiety issues, who arrives in the midst of the chaos. ‘I can’t stay here it’s too stressful,’ he says”. -Liz Nichols, 12th Night Blog